Monday, June 22, 2009

July 2009 Parish newsletter Article

Newsletter article for 7-09

Have you ever felt like you’re the only one? The only young mother tied to a messy house and noisy kids? The only person at a company doing your best to get the job done? The only dog walker with plastic bags in your pocket? The only person saving for the future instead of spending it all now? The only one in school who is taking studying seriously? Do you remember how great it felt if someone smiled and said they appreciated your work? Sometimes prison ministry can feel like that, too. But Church is the connection, the support system that can make someone feel that they aren’t alone. Just as the missionaries we sent to the Pacific islands and to the Western Territories in the 1800’s needed that contact from home, all of us need that same feeling. Not a feeling of belonging so much as a feeling that others are aware, sympathetic and understanding. That what we do makes a difference, not only to those to whom we are ministering, but those who care. That is loving one another.
So as your summer progresses, as the days fill up with business and pass away, think of the people who are visit the prisons and work with releases and pray for them as much as you pray for those to whom they minister. Britt H, the chair of the Diocesan Prison Ministry committee convened a meeting and at the request of Bishop Singh took a “roll call” of everyone we knew was doing prison ministry. We are sure we missed some. If you know of someone in our diocese who is doing prison ministry but not mentioned, let us know. Here is our list:
Judy S Step by Step Albion State Facility for Women
Dick F RIJM(Rochester Interfaith Jail Ministry (2 groups a week)MCF (Monroe County Facility),Cephas Orleans State
Clare K Storybook Project Geneva
Bob C RIJM (with Dick Frey) MCF, Cephas Groveland State, Cephas Wyoming State
Dick L ACOA(Adult Children of Addiction) MCF
Britt H Cath. Fam. Ctr. CFC building Literacy Volunteers MCF (soon)
Janet F Allegheny County Jail
Gloria L Step by Step Belmont State
Margy M Step by Step (founder/director) ----
Bob S SMART and Judicial Process Commission MCF
Peter P JPC MCFElsa Schaefer RIJM Monroe County Jail (downtown)
Bjorna AA @MCF, Bridging the Gap

These folk all need your care. If you meet them, or have occasion to speak to them, thank them for their ministry. Pray for them by name, as well as for the prisoners.

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