Sunday, May 10, 2009


The lectionary for this Sunday is Jesus as the vine, God pruning away the unproductive. What is unproductivity? Must we have children and wealth to be fruitful? Where does that leave the prisoner? The unmarried? Me? Most of us one time or another have felt unfulfilled, unfruitful. How does it feel to be in prison and feel locked out of usefulness? Dear God our Father, we pray for those who feel they have been pruned away. Help them remain part of the family with us. Help them see their connectedness, and help us see that, too. It is your will which does the pruning, not ours. Help us to remember not to judge, not to shun and not to fear. We pray this week for the women visited by Elsa Schafer and Sister Judy, who have been shut away from their homes, their children and their responsibilities and supports. Be with them as they pass their days in their cells. We also offer thanksgiving for the donations we have received of shoes and a great TV for Enriche House.

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