Sunday, August 2, 2009


I wonder about how it feels to be cut off from your usual circle. The fence not only keeps the prisoner in, but slices across the relationships he has had his entire life. Friday a prisoner told me: My family told me not to bother them or expect anything from them during prison or after. How did that hit him? How did it effect his actions? I asked them how they keep from becoming negative and pessimistic. They all answered about using the time in prison to work on themselves, except for him. He talked about drifting, about wondering what was to become of him. He has turned to religion, but has become a follower of a charismatic preacher, who does not ask questions but gives answers.

I think that that is what Prison Ministry is starting to become for me, a forum to ask questions and sincerely and openly listen to the answers; to reflect the answers back and to reflect on them. And that is also beginning to be my reward, as well. In asking the questions, I open my self to be asked. In listening to the answers, I am given other ears to listen. And in reflecting, I see the waves and peeled silver of the mirror which is myself that I hold up to them.

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